Every company’s internal IT team is often occupied with the sheer volume of device-related tasks. Between software updates, temperamental hardware, and helpdesk requests, the important enterprise related tasks can be stalled by the IT team because of the time required to address these countless device issues.

Cosmic Tech’s Device as a Service (DaaS) offering, puts those hours back into your IT team’s day, taking the burden of device-related tasks off their shoulders and liberating them to focus on primary business objectives. As a DaaS provider, our myriad services become the single source for all your device and peripheral needs, from technology selection to final disbursement.

Benefits of DaaS:

  • New Technology:  We put all the advantages of the Modern Desktop right in your teams’ hands, giving them access to latest technology at individual level. The Modern Desktop/ Laptops empowers each employee with software, integrated email, voicemail, IM/presence, integration into customer applications such as CRM, and much more.

  • Personalized and preconfigured: As part of your Device as a Service contract, we pre-configure your devices for a simplified and seamless experience. Cosmic Tech’s Device as a Service model also shifts the typical corporate investment to a cyclical and predictable one.

  • Extensive menu:  DaaS gives you access to a vast catalogue of devices and their associated peripherals, so you can select your technologies from the brands of your choice. This includes the latest desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones in a vendor-agnostic arrangement so we can mix and match OEM products. In addition, customers also get access to a personal DaaS provider, giving you a single point of contact and removing the need for pricing negotiations with multiple vendors.

With an expert company like CosmicTech your company gets access to all the technical expertise required not just for designing and deploying your wireless network, but also for securing, monitoring, and updating it on an ongoing basis.